Grand Theft Auto 3

Explore and interact with an open virtual world of Liberty City
may 19, 2023
3.8 con 120 voto
Rockstar Games, Inc.
Tipo de licencia:
Comercial $59.99
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Latest version:


Complete various missions or freely roam throughout the game's open world. Run, jump, or use vehicles to navigate Liberty City located on several islands. Fight enemies using a broad variety of weapons that you found on the ground, took from dead enemies, or found around the city and regenerate your health meter using pickups. Engage in activities, including firefighting, a paramedic or a taxicab service and get rewards for that.

Grand Theft Auto 3 1.5 estaba disponible para descargar desde el sitio web del desarrollador cuando lo revisamos. No podemos garantizar que la descarga gratituita esté disponible.

Se recomienda verificar los archivos descargados con un antivirus gratuito, ya que no podemos garantizar que sean seguros. Grand Theft Auto 3 pertenece al grupo de programas Juegos, en concreto al de aplicaciones sobre Acción. El auténtico artífice de este programa es Rockstar Games, Inc.

Del desarrollador:

The hugely successful, highly controversial Grand Theft Auto franchise moves into three dimensions in the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City.
With the freedom to go anywhere and jack anyone, Grand Theft Auto III puts the dark, intriguing and ruthless world of crime at your fingertips, if you have enough guts to take it.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City o Auto Clicker, que podrían ser parecidos a Grand Theft Auto 3.

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