
mar 04, 2024
3.4 con 61 voto
CTM Development SA
Tipo de licencia:
Demo $62.80
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PowerMail 6.2.1 estaba disponible para descargar desde el sitio web del desarrollador cuando lo revisamos. No podemos garantizar que la descarga gratituita esté disponible. Originariamente, esta herramienta la creó CTM Development SA. PowerMail pertenece al grupo de programas Comunicación.

Del desarrollador:

PowerMail is built on top of the PowerMail Engine, a robust cross-platform foundation encapsulating 11 years of messaging and directory experience, PowerMail is continuously enhanced with the following objectives: Establish a lean, mean and efficient alternative e-mail client for people who care about e-mail Acknowledge the importance of our user's data accesibility by offering reliable storage, high-speed indexing and the ability to export to a variety of standard formats Design and implement a clean, robust Macintosh user-interface with best-of-class Mac OS X support Contribute to the on-going diversity of mail clients on the Mac Evolve our code base on a regular basis to meet customer needs Excel in supporting multi-lingual, world-wide mail using Unicode standards Support advanced Mac OS 9 technologies as well native multi-tasking and memory protection on Mac OS X Provide a smooth migration experience to users of Microsoft Entourage, Outlook Express, Claris Emailer and Netscape Communicator 4.x

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como SpamSieve, Mail Archiver X o LicenseKeeper, que podrían ser similares a PowerMail.

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