Templates for iBooks Author Free

Pick from a wide range of book templates and customize them
sept 05, 2023
3.0 con 1 votos
ThemingTemas de pantalla
Graphic Node
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Create and publish books using various templates. Choose a theme from different categories, including business and education, customize it by adding your text, photos, and videos and share it on iBookstore. Modify colors, fonts, and styles, and insert texts, charts, tables, and widgets.

Templates for iBooks Author Free 2.3 estaba disponible para descargar desde el sitio web del desarrollador cuando lo revisamos. No podemos garantizar que la descarga gratituita esté disponible.

Se recomienda verificar los archivos descargados con un antivirus gratuito, ya que no podemos garantizar que sean seguros. El auténtico artífice de este programa sin coste es Graphic Node. Templates for iBooks Author Free forma parte del grupo de programas Theming. Las versiones más populares entre los usuarios de la aplicación son 1.2 y 1.0.

Del desarrollador:

Templates for iBooks Author Free is a collection of 10 compelling themes for Apple’s application for book creation and publishing. Browse the range of designs to find the ideal look, add you text and images, and publish your own book to iBookstore. Best of all, do it for free!

The 10 templates at hand cover various book categories, from business and education to arts and fiction.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Templates for iBooks Author, Templates for iBooks Author Publisher Edition o iBooks Author, que podrían ser similares a Templates for iBooks Author Free.

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