
jul 31, 2023
JuegosJuegos de rol
Amboi Ragnarok Online
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Nuestra biblioteca de programas le ofrece una descarga gratuita de AmboiRO 1.2. El auténtico artífice de este programa sin coste es Amboi Ragnarok Online. AmboiRO pertenece al grupo de programas Juegos, en concreto al de aplicaciones sobre Juegos de rol.

Del desarrollador:

Ragnarok online is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG. It has a series of maps each of which has its own terrain and native monsters. The monsters cannot travel from one map to another. All players start in Rune Midgard. The player has to choose a job which decides his abilities or power.

There are a lot of online servers for the game. AmboiRO is one of them. This is a freeware and you can register on the server free.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Multiplayer Ludo o Native Instruments Massive, que podrían ser parecidos a AmboiRO.

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