Car Racing Deluxe

mar 24, 2024
3.6 con 66 voto
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Sistema operativo:
Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


Car Racing Deluxe is an exciting and thrilling game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is fast-paced and challenging. You have to dodge falling meteorites, outrun lava, and avoid other obstacles as you race against the disasters threatening to destroy your world. The game keeps track of your score throughout the game, so you can always see how you're doing. The controls are easy to use and the game is very addictive. If you're looking for an intense and exciting racing game, Car Racing Deluxe is the perfect choice.

Nuestra página web le ofrece una descarga gratuita de Car Racing Deluxe 3.16. Esta descarga ha sido comprobada por nuestro antivirus y ha determinado que no contiene virus. El programa forma parte del grupo de aplicaciones sobre Juegos. El fichero de instalación más reciente ocupa 1.9 MB en disco.

Las versiones 3.1, 2.0 y 1.0 son las más descargadas por los usuarios del programa. Los nombres de archivo de instalación más frecuentes para esta herramienta son Car Racing Deluxe.exe y CarRacingDeluxe.exe. Car Racing Deluxe es compatible con versiones de 32 bits de Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11. Originariamente, esta herramienta la creó

Del desarrollador:

Car Racing Deluxe is right what you need if you are so far tired of those numerous Car Racing remakes. In this Game you will have to snatch your life out of the fiery lava mouth and shift from scorching meteorites. Meteorites rain have taken down a small town where you lived in and your last chance is the only one spared car. You are moving to the neighboring city, but the disaster is chasing you.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Mini-Cars Racing, Crazy Racing Cars o Car Eats Car 2 Deluxe, que podrían ser similares a Car Racing Deluxe.

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