Dark Space Station Battleground 2

oct 14, 2023
Falco Software Company
Tipo de licencia:
Latest version:


Dark Space Station Battleground 2 4.4 estaba disponible para descargar desde el sitio web del desarrollador cuando lo revisamos. No podemos garantizar que la descarga gratituita esté disponible.

Se recomienda verificar los archivos descargados con un antivirus gratuito, ya que no podemos garantizar que sean seguros. El programa pertenece al grupo de aplicaciones sobre Juegos. El auténtico artífice de este programa sin coste es Falco Software Company.

Del desarrollador:

For a long time the space station in the orbit of Neptune was abandoned, but recently strange signals emanating from it were detected. A report from a previous visit to the station said that the station was not habitable, and security bots were activated on it which did not pose a serious threat, but they could not send a signal. You have been sent to investigate what is actually happening there.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Space Station Zombies, TOSHIBA Service Station o Angry Birds Space, que podrían ser parecidos a Dark Space Station Battleground 2.

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