Europa Barbarorum

ago 14, 2023
5.0 con 1 votos
The Creative Assembly Limited
Tipo de licencia:
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Sistema operativo:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


Europa Barbarorum is an incredibly detailed and immersive total conversion mod for Rome: Total War. The game offers a more historically accurate game experience than the original, with a range of new mechanics and content. From the detailed unit rosters to the unique faction mechanics, the mod provides a unique and engaging experience. The game also features a wealth of official sources and historic research, allowing players to delve deeper into the history of the period. Overall, Europa Barbarorum is an excellent mod for Rome: Total War, offering an immersive and detailed experience for fans of the period.

Europa Barbarorum 1.2 estaba disponible para descargar desde el sitio web del desarrollador cuando lo revisamos. No podemos garantizar que la descarga gratituita esté disponible. Este programa funciona perfectamente en versiones de 32 bits de Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11.

Se recomienda verificar los archivos descargados con un antivirus gratuito, ya que no podemos garantizar que sean seguros. Las versiones más populares entre los usuarios de Europa Barbarorum son 1.2, 1.1 y 1.0.

Originariamente, esta herramienta sin coste la desarrolló The Creative Assembly Limited. Los nombres de archivo de instalación de la herramienta más comunes incluyen: EBTrivialScript.exe y RomeTW.exe. Europa Barbarorum forma parte del grupo de programas Juegos.

Del desarrollador:

Europa Barbarorum is a modification of Rome: Total WarTM, a game by The Creative Assembly, that is motivated by the desire to provide Rome: Total War players with a more fun, challenging, realistic, and historically accurate gaming experience.

Europa Barbarorum is not solely focused on barbarian factions (though the name was derived from the roots of the project when our desire was to portray barbarians more accurately).

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Crossfire Europe, Big Rig Europe o Map of Europe, que podrían ser similares a Europa Barbarorum.

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