Microsoft Office Live Meeting Add-in Pack

may 27, 2023
1.5 con 2 voto
Herramientas de OfficeGestión de documentos
Tipo de licencia:
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Sistema operativo:
Windows XP/Vista/7
Latest version:


I have been using the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Add-in Pack for several years now and it has been a great help in streamlining my presentations and meetings. It has allowed me to easily create Live Meeting presentations directly in PowerPoint, which has made it much easier to collaborate with my colleagues. The add-in also allows me to work with graphics and access rights, import data from whiteboards and adjust the results, and much more. Overall, I highly recommend this add-in pack to anyone looking to streamline their presentations and meetings.

Nuestra página web le ofrece una descarga gratuita de Microsoft Office Live Meeting Add-in Pack 7.5.3819. Este programa para PC puede instalarse en versiones de 32 bits de Windows XP/Vista/7.

Los nombres de archivo de instalación más frecuentes para este programa son bgpubmgr.exe, meetnowprefs.exe, preferences.exe y PWConsole.exe. Las versiones más populares entre los usuarios de Microsoft Office Live Meeting Add-in Pack son 7.5 y 7.0. La herramienta forma parte del grupo de aplicaciones sobre Herramientas de Office. El auténtico artífice de este programa sin coste es Microsoft.

Del desarrollador:

With the Microsoft® Office Live Meeting Add-In for PowerPoint, you can create Live Meeting presentations directly in the Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation graphics program. With the Microsoft® Office Live Meeting Add-In for PowerPoint, you can create Live Meeting presentations directly in the Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation graphics program.

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