Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In

nov 14, 2023
4.0 con 3 voto
Herramientas de OfficeGestión de documentos
Orpheus Technology
Tipo de licencia:
Shareware $35
Descargas totales:
Sistema operativo:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


The Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In is a great tool for anyone who wants to improve their writing style. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the text, providing feedback on hackneyed words, style of writing, and sentence length. I found the reports generated by the add-in to be very helpful in improving my writing. I would highly recommend this add-in to anyone looking to improve their writing.

Nuestra biblioteca de programas le ofrece una descarga gratuita de Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In 1.1.66. En ocasiones, el nombre de la herramienta aparece como "Pro Writing Aid Word AddIn". La herramienta pertenece al grupo de aplicaciones sobre Herramientas de Office.

La versión de Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In más usada es 1.1. Originariamente, esta herramienta la desarrolló Orpheus Technology. La última versión de Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In puede instalarse en ordenadores con Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 de 32 bits.

Del desarrollador:

This add-in allows a user to find and highlight ways to improve the writing using Microsoft Word. The application will show the overused and complex words report. It can also check the grammar and usage based on a house style. The type of report can be selected so that the program will work effectively - it can be business, academic, general, etc.

The Internet is required for the application to work. The speed of checking is not that good.

Quizás esté interesado en probar otros programas, como Microsoft Math Add-in for Word o PDF to Word Converter Pro, que podrían ser parecidos a Pro Writing Aid Microsoft Word Add-In.

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