• Windows
  • Buscar coincidencias en programas: steinberg guitar vst

3 resultados para ″steinberg guitar vst″ entre nuestros programas

DVS Guitar

DVS Guitar

8 votes

DVS guitar is a plug-in developed by Dream Vortex studio. It is used with...

DVS guitar is a ...applications like: Steinberg Cubase ...Guitar is based on a sampled guitar...




The Heeb CrunchDude is a very simple, yet effective guitar amplifier emulation...

...effective guitar amplifier emulation VST plug ...processing e.g. bass guitar, synthesizers ...

Steinberg Sequel

Steinberg Sequel


Sequel 3 has everything you need to make your ideas fly and shine in the best...

...kits plus guitar amps, cabs...

Resultados 1-3 de 3

Buscar coincidencias en tutoriales

Resultados 1-2 de 2
How to play guitar chords

...practice your guitar playing ...provided by Guitar Pro: ...and professional guitar players.&...

How to learn to play the piano

...to play guitar chords. Here...